Edit page title Teledyne LeCroy - 串行数据 - USB2bus TDME
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    USB2bus TDME

    USB2 触发器、解码、测量/图形和物理层 (TDME) 解决方案提供高性能触发器 (T) 和透明的彩色编码解码覆盖、协议表和搜索功能 (D)。 TDME 选件还提供具有自动测量和绘图工具的测量/绘图 (M) 功能以及用于物理层信号评估和调试的眼图 (E) 功能。

    浏览 USB2bus TDME 向下箭头
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    • "compatability">兼容性选项卡

    10-Gigabit Ethernet Decode

    Full support is provided for triggering on any type of Packet, even User-Defined Packets, with complete flexibility for address, endpoint, split type, hub, port, etc. Trigger on specific Data payloads in specific locations. OR any three Packets in a single trigger condition. Create a USB Transaction trigger with any allowed combination of Token, Data, Handshake, and User-Defined packets. Advanced capability like this is usually only found in a dedicated protocol analyzer!

    Search and Zoom ("D")

    The powerful search engine of the USB 1.x/2.0 decode package can quickly find an Event, Packet, Transaction, or Protocol Error. Search through a long record of decoded data by entering any of the 45 available search criteria by entering a value or simply finding the next occurrence. For example, search through a long record to find a glitch that is frequently occurring after each EOP.

    Intuitive, Color-coded Decode Overlays ("D")

    A transparent overlay with color-coding for specific portions of each protocol and the entire message frame makes it easy to understand your serial data information. Unlike other solutions, with protocol decode information away from the signal, our solution correlates the waveform and the protocol decode directly on the display. As the acquisition length is expanded or shortened, the decode overlay will adjust to show you just the right amount of information.

    Interactive Table Summarizes Results ("D")

    Turn the oscilloscope into a protocol analyzer with a tabular display of decoded information. Customize the table to show only the data of interest and touch a message in the table to automatically zoom to it and display it on the screen. Export the table for offline analysis. Up to four different decoded signals of any type may be simultaneously displayed in the table.

    Measure/Graph Tools for Validation Efficiency ("M")

    Quickly validate cause and effect with automated timing measurements to or from an analog signal or another serial message. Make multiple measurements in a single long acquisition to quickly acquire statistics during corner-case testing. Serial (digital) data can be extracted to an analog value and graphed to monitor system performance over time, as if it was probed directly. Complete validation faster and gain better insight.

    Eye Diagrams ("E")

    Rapidly display an eye diagram of your packetized low-speed serial data signal without additional setup time. Use eye parameters to quantify system performance and apply a standard or custom mask to identify anomalies. Mask failures can be indicated and can force the scope into Stop mode.

    • 支持 USB 2.0 低速、全速或高速(1.x 和 2.0)
    • 触发 USB 数据包类型:
      • Token
      • 时间
      • Handshake
      • 用户自定义
    • 交易触发支持
    • 全面的协议错误和总线事件触发
    • 按事件、数据包、事务或错误进行全面搜索
    • 直观,彩色显示叠加的解码
    • 具有缩放和码型搜索功能的交互式协议表格
    • 自动时序测量
    • 使用波形图将串行数字数据提取为模拟值(串行 DAC)
    • 带有故障位置的眼图


    最全面的 USB 触发器 ("T")

    提供对任何类型的数据包(甚至是用户定义的数据包)触发的全面支持,在地址、端点、拆分类型、集线器、端口等方面具有完全的灵活性。在特定位置的特定数据负载上触发。或单个触发条件中的任意三个数据包。使用令牌、数据、握手和用户定义的数据包的任何允许组合创建 USB 事务触发器。像这样的高级功能通常只能在专用的协议分析仪中找到!


    USB 1.x/2.0解码包的强大搜索引擎可以快速找到事件、数据包、事务或协议错误。通过输入值或仅查找下一个匹配项,输入 45 个可用搜索条件中的任何一个,从而搜索解码数据的长记录。例如,搜索长记录以查找每个 EOP 后经常发生的故障

    直观的彩色解码叠加功能 ("D")



    将示波器变成协议分析仪,并以表格形式显示解码信息。 自定义表格以仅显示感兴趣的数据并触摸表格中的消息以自动缩放到它并将其显示在屏幕上。 导出表以供离线分析, 表中最多可同时显示四种不同的任何类型的解码信号。


    通过模拟信号或其他串行消息的自动定时测量快速验证因果关系。 在单次长时间采集中进行多次测量,以便在极端情况测试期间快速获取统计数据。 可以将串行(数字)数据提取为模拟值并绘制图表以监控随时间变化的系统性能,就好像它是直接探测的一样。 更快地完成验证并获得更好的洞察力。

    眼图 ("E")


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